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Vladislav YASTREBOVCNRS Research ScientistOffice: B111 Phone: +33 (0)1 60 76 31 53 E-mail: Homepage: Download CV [pdf] ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
More details can be found on my homepage
Contact mechanics o Physics and mechanics of contact. - Contact between rough surfaces. - Dynamics of sliding. - Electric contact. o Computational contact mechanics. - Finite Element Method (FEM). - Boundary Element Method (BEM). |
![]() Post-buckling behavior of a thin walled tube (finite strain plasticity, self-contact) |
Micromechanics o Micromechanics. - Crystal plasticity. - Dislocation Dynamics (DDD). - Generalized continua. o Computational tools. - Coupling FEM and DDD codes. - Molecular dynamics. |
![]() A confined Frank-Read dislocation source. |
Damage mechanics o Damage in quasi-brittle materials. - Constitutive models. - Elasto-plasto-damage. - Concrete. o Computational damage. - Local and nonlocal. - Regularizations. |
![]() Damage accumulation in concrete structures. |
Martensitic transformations o Solid-to-solid phase transformations. - Shape memory alloys. o Simulations. - Lattice Monte-Carlo. - Molecular dynamics. |
![]() Austenite-martensite phase transformation (molecular dynamics simulation). |
Mathematics and geometry o Geometry. - Tensor algebra. - Fractal surface. - Closest point. - Moiré patterns. o Optimization. - Augmented Lagrangian. - Sub-differentials. |
![]() A bug in generation of a Bézier surface : ) |
Updated on 8 Apr 2014. Probably a more recent list of publications can be found on
[1] V.A. Yastrebov. "Continuum damage mechanics: phenomenological description and simulation of damage accumulation in quasi-brittle materials". Master thesis (Rus), St Petersburg, Russia, 2007 [pdf, 6Mb]
[2] V.A. Yastrebov. "Computational contact mechanics: geometry, detection and numerical techniques". PhD thesis, Paris, France, 2011 [pdf, 90Mb]
[1] V.A. Yastrebov, "Numerical Methods in Contact Mechanics", ISTE-WILEY, 2013.
// It is available online [@onlinelibrary.wiley]
// Find it also on [@ISTE] [@Wiley] [@google.books] [] []
// You could also read a blog entry on my homepage
[1] V. A. Yastrebov, G. Cailletaud, F. Feyel. "A local contact detection technique for very large contact and self-contact problems: sequential and parallel implementations" in G. Zavarise and P.Wriggers, ed., Trends in Computational Contact Mechanics, Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, 58:227-251 (2011). [dx.doi]
[2] V. A. Yastrebov, J. Durand, H. Proudhon, G. Cailletaud. "Rough surface contact analysis by means of the Finite Element Method and of a new reduced model", Comptes Rendus Mécanique, 339:473-490 (2011). [dx.doi]
[3] D. S. Kammer, V. A. Yastrebov, P. Spijker, J.-F. Molinari. "On the propagation of slip fronts at frictional interfaces", Tribology Letters, 48(1):27-32 (2012). [dx.doi] [arXiv]
[4] V. A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, J.-F. Molinari. "Contact between representative rough surfaces", Physical Review E, 86(3):035601 (2012). [dx.doi] [url] [arXiv]
[5] P. A. Sabnis, S. Forest, N. K. Arakere, V. A. Yastrebov. "Crystal plasticity analysis of cylindrical indentation on a Ni-base single crystal superalloy", International Journal of Plasticity, 51:200-217 (2013). [dx.doi] [url]
[6] A. M. Aragon, V. A. Yastrebov, J.-F. Molinari. "A constrained-optimization methodology for the detection phase in contact mechanics simulations", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol. 96(5):323-338 (2013). [dx.doi] [url]
[7] D.S. Kammer, V. A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, J.-F. Molinari, "The existence of a critical length scale in regularised friction", Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, published online (2013). [arXiv] [dx.doi] [url]
[8] V. A. Yastrebov, M. Fischlschweiger, G. Cailletaud, T. Antretter. "The role of phase interface energy in martensitic transformations: a lattice Monte-Carlo simulation", Mechanics Research Communications, 56:37-41 (2014). [arXiv] [dx.doi] [url]
[9] V. A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, J.-F. Molinari. "From infinitesimal to full contact between rough surfaces: evolution of the contact area", submitted (2014). [arXiv]
[10] V. A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, J.-F. Molinari. "The contact of elastic wavy surfaces: transition regimes, percolation, area and perimeter", submitted (2014).
[1] V. A. Yastrebov, B. E. Melnikov, A. S. Semenov "Damage evolution and crack propagation processes for coupled elasto-damage material: local and non-local approaches" in Proceedings of "Nonlinear problems in Physics and Mechanics of Solids", vol. 9, pp. 157 - 167 (2005).
[2] V. A. Yastrebov, B. E. Melnikov, A. S. Semenov "Simulation of fracture of quasibrittle materials using coupled elasto-damage model" in Proceedings of the 34th Scientific week at St Petersburg State Polytechnical university, vol. 4, pp. 78-80 (2006).
[3] V. A. Yastrebov, B. E. Melnikov, A. S. Semenov "Exponential damage law for visco-damage model of quasi-brittle materials" in Proceedings of the 38th Conference Control Processes and Stability 2007 Russia, Saint-Petersburg, 9-12 April 2007, Pub. SPbGU, pp. 227 - 233 (2007).
[4] V. A. Yastrebov, B. E. Melnikov, A. S. Semenov "Modeling of geometry for non regular concrete type composites" in Proceedings of the 37th Scientific week at St Petersburg State Polytechnical university, vol. 1, pp. 86-87 (2008).
[5] V. A. Yastrebov, B. E. Melnikov, A. S. Semenov "Rheological model for quasi-brittle material with damage" in Proceedings of the 37th Scientific week at St Petersburg State Polytechnical university, vol. 5 (2008).
[6] V. A. Yastrebov, G. Cailletaud, F. Feyel "Traitement des problèmes de contact en calcul parallèle" in Proceedings of the "9e Colloque National en Calcul des Structures" vol. 2, pages 647-653, Giens, France, 25-29 May (2009). [link] [pdf@hal]
[7] V. A. Yastrebov, G. Cailletaud, F. Feyel "Enrichment of the contact geometry within the Finite Element Method" in electronic Proceedings of the "10e Colloque National en Calcul des Structures" Giens, France, 9-13 May (2011). [link] [pdf@hal]
[8] J. Durand, V. A. Yastrebov, H. Proudhon and G. Cailletaud "Analyse du contact entre surfaces rugueuses par la méthode des éléments finis et par un nouveau modèle numérique" in electronic Proceedings of the "10e Colloque National en Calcul des Structures" Giens, France, 9-13 May (2011). [link] [pdf@hal]
[9] J. Durand, V. A. Yastrebov, H. Proudhon and G. Cailletaud "Finite Element Analysis of the Contact between Rough Surfaces" in Proceeding of the "3rd International Conference on Heterogeneous Material Mechanics", pp. 47-54 Shanghai (Chong Ming Island), China, May 22-26 (2011)
[10] D. S. Kammer, V. A. Yastrebov, J.-F. Molinari "Numerical aspects of rate-and-state friction laws" in book of abstracts of the "2nd International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics" Hannover, Germany, 15-17 June (2011).
[11] M. Petersmann, M. Fischlschweiger, V. A. Yastrebov, E. R. Oberaigner "The role of the A-M interface energy in the behavior of martensitic phase transformations in shape memory alloys" in Book of abstracts of the 2nd International Conference on Material Modeling Paris, France, 31 August - 2 September (2011).
[12] V. A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, J.-F. Molinari "Aspects of the elasto-plastic frictional contact between self-affine surfaces" in book of abstracts of "Materials Deformation: Fluctuations, Scaling, Predictability" Les Houches, France, 22-27 January (2012). [pdf@ens-lyon]
[13] D. S. Kammer, V. A. Yastrebov, J.-F. Molinari "Interfaces: How the rupture speed of slip fronts is related to the deformation energy" in book of abstracts of "Materials Deformation: Fluctuations, Scaling, Predictability" Les Houches, France, 22-27 January (2012). [pdf@ens-lyon]
[14] V. A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, J.-F. Molinari "Contact between rough surfaces: a rigorous finite element analysis" in book of abstracts of "EuroMech: New Trends in Contact Mechanics", pp. 117-118 Cargèse-Corsica, France, 26-31 March (2012).
[15] V. A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, J.-F. Molinari "Analyse statistique du contact entre des surfaces rugueuses" in book of abstracts of the "24e Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie", pp. 20-21 Aix-en-Provence, France, 9-11 May (2012).
[16] D. S. Kammer, V. A. Yastrebov, J.-F. Molinari "Simulation et analyse de la dynamique de glissement entre deux corps viscoélastique en contact" in book of abstracts of the "24e Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie", pp. 55-56 Aix-en-Provence, France, 9-11 May (2012).
[17] M. Radiguet, D. S. Kammer, V. A. Yastrebov, J.-F. Molinari "Dynamics of Slip Fronts at Frictional Interfaces: Analysis of Slip Precursors and Rupture Velocity" in book of abstracts of the "ECGS Workshop 2012: Earthquake Source Physics on Various Scales", pp. 102-103 Luxembourg, 3-5 October (2012).
[18] D. S. Kammer, V. A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, and J.-F. Molinari "Slip dynamics at frictional interfaces: Influence of viscoelasticity and energetic analysis." In Proceedings of the 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference Graz, Austria, 9-12 July (2012).
[19] V. A. Yastrebov, G. Cailletaud, F. Feyel "Couplage DDD + plasticité cristalline dans un agrégat polycristallin" in book of abstracts of the Colloque Plasticité 2013 Paris, France, 17-19 April (2013).
[20] V. A. Yastrebov, G. Cailletaud, F. Feyel "Quelques développements récents en mécanique numérique du contact" in book of abstracts of the 11e Colloque CSMA 2013 Giens, France, 13-17 May (2013).
[21] V. A. Yastrebov, G. Cailletaud, F. Feyel "Couplage de codes éléments finis et dynamique discrète de dislocations" in book of abstracts of the 11e Colloque CSMA 2013 Giens, France, 13-17 May (2013).
[22] V. A. Yastrebov, G. Cailletaud, F. Feyel "Partial Dirichlet-Neumann method for unilateral frictional contact problems" Abstract accepted for the 3rd International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics Lecce, Italy, 10-12 July (2013).
[23] A. M. Aragon, V. A. Yastrebov, J.-F. Molinari "A three-level detection framework for contact mechanics simulations" Abstract accepted for the 3rd International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics Lecce, Italy, 10-12 July (2013).
[24] A.-D. Kudawoo, V. A. Yastrebov, G. Cailletaud, F. Feyel "A global parallel detection and resolution strategy for large scale frictional contact problems" Abstract accepted for the 3rd International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics Lecce, Italy, 10-12 July (2013).
[25] V. A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, G. Cailletaud, J.-F. Molinari "Contact élastique entre des surfaces rugueuses représentatives" Abstract and paper accepted for the 20e Congrès Français de Mécanique Bordeaux, France, 27-30 August (2013).
[26] V. A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, G. Cailletaud, J.-F. Molinari "Elastic contact between representative rough surfaces" Abstract accepted for the 40th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology Lyon, France, 4-6 September (2013).
[27] M. Liu, H. Proudhon, V. A. Yastrebov "Finite Element Analysis of the Contact Behavior of Rough Surface" Abstract accepted for the 3rd International Conference on Material Modelling Warsaw, Poland, 8-11 September (2013).
[28] V. A. Yastrebov, G. Anciaux, J.-F. Molinari "From infinitesimal to full contact between rough surfaces" Abstract accepted for the 6th Contact Mechanics International Symposium 3-5 February, Abu-Dhabi, United Arab Emirates (2014)
[*] D. Tkalich, G. Cailletaud, A. Kane, V. A. Yastrebov, C. C. Li "Tool-rock interaction and drill bit buttons degradation in hard rock drilling" Abstract accepted for the 20th European Conference on Fracture 30th of June - 4th of July, Trondheim, Norway (2014)
[*] V. A. Yastrebov, D. Kammer, M. Radiguet, J.-F. Molinari "Dynamic fracture of adhesive vs frictional interfaces" Abstract accepted for the 20th European Conference on Fracture 30th of June - 4th of July, Trondheim, Norway (2014)
[1] "38th Conference Control Processes and Stability 2007", Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 9-12 April (2007), oral presentation
[2] 9e Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, Giens, France, 25-29 May (2009), poster presentation
[3] 1st International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics, Lecce, Italy, 16-18 September (2009), oral presentation
[4] IV European Conference on Computational Mechanics, Paris, France, 16-21 May (2010), oral presentation
[5] 10eme Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, Giens, France, 9-13 May (2011), oral presentation
[6] CECAM: Brittle Fracture at the Atomic Scale, EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland, 16-19 May (2011)
[7] Materials Deformation: Fluctuations, Scaling, Predictability, Les Houches, France, 22-27 January (2012), poster presentation
[8] EuroMech: New trends in Contact Mechanics, Cargèse, France, 26-31 March (2012), oral presentation
[9] ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference, Aveiro, Portugal, 24-27 April (2012), invited talk
[10] 24 Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie, Aix-en-Provence, France, 9-11 May (2012), oral presentation
[11] Colloque Plasticité, Paris, France, 17-19 April (2013), poster presentation
[12] 11e Colloque CSMA, Giens, France, 13-17 May (2013), oral presentation + invited talk
[13] 3rd International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics, Lecce, Italy, 10-12 July (2013), oral presentation
[14] 20e Congrès Français de Mécanique, Bordeaux, France, 27-30 August (2013), oral presentation
[15] 40th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Lyon, France, 4-6 September (2013), oral presentation
[*] 20th European Conference on Fracture, Trondheim, Norway, 30 June - 4 July (2014), oral presentation
Sept 2013 -- Present |
CNRS Research Scientist at Centre des Matériaux, MINES ParisTech
Apr 2012 -- Sept 2013 |
Postdoctoral fellow at Centre des Matériaux, MINES ParisTech Advisors: Georges Cailletaud, Frédéric Feyel
Feb 2011 -- Mar 2012 |
Postdoctoral fellow at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Advisor: Jean-François Molinari
Apr 2006 -- Sep 2007 |
Research scientist at at St-Petersburg Corning Scientific center, Corning Inc.
Oct 2007-- Jan 2011 |
PhD in Mechanics MINES ParisTech, Paris, France Centre des Matériaux, CNRS UMR 7633 Thesis advisors: Georges Cailletaud, Frédéric Feyel |
Sep 2001-- Jun 2007 |
M.Sc. & B.Sc. in Applied Mechanics Saint-Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Russia Departement of Physics and Mechanics Theses advisors: Artem S. Semenov, Boris E. Melnikov |
Sep 1999-- Jun 2001 |
High school Saint-Petersburg Lyceum of Physics and Mathematics 239, Russia Alumni: Grigori Perelman, Statislav Smirnov (Fields medals 2006, 2010) |
Practical work
240 ans de recherche et de formation
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